Sunday, August 13, 2017

Genuine lies by Nora Roberts

I'm gonna be writing so quotes I really like as I read by, especially pieces closely resembling what I have in mind.

"Whatever you gained, compassion and generosity are worth more." says Julia to Eve.

I've got this rather deep irk towards this girl who wrote described herself as "businesswoman". Yeah, she sells rempeyek, and she hurts me by her lack of care for my feelings. Who am I to her? A cuatomer she doesn't seem to give a damn about. She's quite a bitch I'd say. I wish Rempeyek Ninda she runs for now will...

I've always wanted to use descriptive words other than 'great' and 'wonderful'. Please tortoise mind let me fittingly use "she is delightful, looks terrific, simply gorgeous, she was in a word - fabulous, over our fascinating years together,

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