Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sycamore Row by John Grisham

Oh Dear I loved this book...reading it has been a breeze. I was telling my hubby that I just "needed" to get lost in the pages every free time I get. It's a story of a young lawyer Jake Brigance, how he was named as the inheritance administrator by a rich man just days before he hung himself. Jake is kind of a guy one would like, with good looks without being too overwhelming, speak his mind well, not a complicated life with a nice and pretty school teacher wife and one little daughter. He is though one with a high morale, great commitment and motivation, sticking to his believes and to the trust of the dead man all way through. I think the story line is just nice, fast paced, bringing with it some kind of light thrill. I like it and would definitely consider reading another Grisham's lawyer material.

The Ultimate Gift by Jim Stovall

I am thankful for the chance of reading this book. It is short and sweet, easy to read and grasped my attention from the first page. I thought it's a non fiction but upon completing and searching on the book's background, found out that it's the best of both genres; fiction written so close to the reality of life. My most favourite is the gift of learning. I dream of being with enough resorces one day to open up libraries to enrich the lives of many people. Reading and learning from merely living our lives meaningfully, are for me some of the best "simple things we can all afford and should enjoy before we die". I truly wish that my children would one day want to read this book, at least out of curiosity, ...then let nature take its course. I wish for the same for you :)

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Arabian Nights selected and edited by Andrew Lang

Yes, I have finally completed this piece which I registered as 'want to read' on Goodreads more than 2 years ago. :-) Was also reacting this alternately with The richest man of Babylon, so a lot make sense. It's like Persian theme reading :-) :-) Well, had to go back to the first page to remember how it started. But more interestingly reread on the background of the book. I am not in the best of mod to write from what I remember this time around, so I will just copy and paste it. ...or not. This story of the people mostly in Iraq / Persia?? I'm not sure, must check later, is according to Lang, part of the Fairy Books, fable I suppose. It began with a Sultan who has been very deeply hurt by his cheating wife, chose to blame all women for his own shortsightedness. He marries a maiden and kills her the next day. Until, a daughter of his grand vizir who is pretty and pretty smart, came out with a plan. To tell a story a few hours before she is supposed to be killed, a story which will entice the Sultan to know if the ending, that he delays the instruction to have her killed. With that, the so many very interesting and probably 'out of the world during those days stories were narrated.

Friday, October 31, 2014

The richest man of Babylon

I read this wonderful little finance handbook upon completing Rich Dad Poor Dad. It is amazing that such wisdom imparted from this book is written based on the lives of people who live during the anxient civilisation of Babylon. I truly enjoy reading this book and appreciate the simple yet profoundly relevant Five Laws of Gold towards a more meaningful and financially independent journey on this earth. I started the first rule; save one tenth of thy salary for thyself many years ago not knowing who actually promoted it. Unfortunately for me, I have stopped this exercice couple of years back, not because I stopped believing, the outcome has been great I'm telling you. I stopped because at my new job, I could no longer get the convenience of part of my salary deducted to "pay me first". I must start again soon. Better a little caution than a great regret. This is advice of Mathon the gold lender to Rodan on his intentions to lend his gold to his beloved sister for her to give them to her husband so that the husband can start a business and be a rich merchat one day. Man are generally naturally destructive. Is that right? I can't say. But one thing I am sure of, man would do lots, for self interest. Remember The Lone Ranger starring Johny Depp, the bad cavalry/military, shooting the red indians shrieking "For God....for our Land", when in actual fact, they (especially the lead, the common man probably do it out of loyalty), do it because of wealth expected from silver. End of the day, we are all entirely responsible for the way we live, the way we write our thoughts and the way we interpret other's ideas. Let's read more good books and choose wisely.....

Friday, October 24, 2014

Rich Dad, Poor Dad

By you definitely know who....What? I just read this? Yup, my bad :) This book should be read by me and (I humbly suggest) most if not all parents when they are still in their 30s, if not as soon as they can. From the perspective of a mother, the thought train of Mr Kiyosaki is truly something I wish I have or I've had some time ago during my youth. But then again, I suppose that's what make him the star that he is. I found wisdom shared in this book very easy to absorb and surprisingly not that difficult to follow. Most importantly, the lessons learned from his experience as shared in this book are headsmackingly relevant, then, now and likely forever... From one of my newsletter subscriptions, I read today about "the Zero Line". I am certainly no expert in wars or financial or geopolitical matters, but I do think that this info is going to be very useful for investors. I bought the packages sold via the video promo, and I truly believe that it's worth my money. I hope you would take time to search info on this potential breaking-news-which-will-decide the direction of your investment portfolio soon. Here's the link to the video sharing if you like

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Energizing coffee gold for book worms

We love reading and we really would love to have more time to read. How much time is available to us these days for such a simple hobby? Everyone gets the same number of hours a day. So what can we do so that we are able to get our work done faster and so that we can get down to our little heaven on earth, the reading room. Energizing coffee can help I think Get a box for pittance here

Monday, July 14, 2014

Fountain by John Medler

OMG OMG This read is thrilling like hell. I decided to begin writing my thoughts on this one whie I'm still reading because for one, I seem to experience all sorts of reflexes every few pages. I was hooked from the first few pages. It's on chapter 10 when I think I encounter such strange sensation for the first time. After reading hate comments by Mr Kratman over my opinions for his work The Caliphate, these phrases written by Medler is like the healing fountain soothing me again and again. Please we need more writers like Medler to wipe out hate mongers.... From Chapter 10 Illness... "Joseph, we must take them to the hospital", said Neema, damned worried about her sons Akili and Dogo who showed sympthoms of infection after venturing into a mysterious cave. "But the nearest good hospital is Kigoma Baptist Missionary Hospital, and that is two hours away......You know that it is a missionary church. We are Muslims. You know what they think os us. Elvis went there once and they tried to convert him to Christianity! Jesus this and Jesus that! Their mission is to convert us!" said her husband Joseph. And these words from Neema is what gave me visions of rainbow albeit this very hot season ..."Joseph, I hope your faith is strong enough that you will not convert to Christianity because you meet a Christian doctor. We are not going for religious instruction. We are going for medical help....."
Then in the next chapter....Medler wrote, "Dr Ali el-Mohammed Baladar was a graduate of University of Dares Salaam Medical School....Although Dr Beladar was a Muslim, he did not mind working at a hospital with a Christian mission. Dr Beladar cared about his patients. What religion they practiced was none of his concern...." Now that Sir, is a great great way of putting down your talent to save the human kind from decadence. The book is actually longer than I thought it would be but each chapter is spiced up with a good dose of suspense, some very refreshing indeed. For example that chapter where the virus is to be unconsciously smuggled into the USA by the couple, I can definitely understand the reason for the brothers to choose to take revenge for the deadth of their parents and sister. A bad choise it is, but I think Mr Medler makes it clear that it is very personal to the brothers, irregardless of what religions or countrymen they are. I also find it very interesting for such clear and specific descriptions by John Medler for the actions and reasons for actions by the American President. No matter what, the interests of you or the people you care about come first. So true for anyone indeed. In the end, the magic purple snakes were lost at the vast sea with no one able to claim them; splendid!

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Vikings Hold

By Jany Vernis on wattpad. Historical fiction becomes a favourite genre thanks to Quatrain by J.Medley. This is my first read on the vikings and it's truly awesome. I'm sure many of her millions of readers were awed by the strong chatacters, sweet romantic moments and suspenseful scenes. I love the main character, the hero Sven and second is his dad Gunnar the tradesman. However, I cannot avoid not liking the woman lead character Ashlweyn from the very start. She is a symbol of selfish hypocrite..just my opinions! Vernis is such a talented writer, very sensitive to her readers of all major faiths and beliefs. She writes like a pro. Still, she seems to be a very down to earth person, one very confident rocking mommy to her beloved teenagers. I like your work much JVernis.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

The land of Stories

The wishing spell episode.....I so love this novel by Chris Colfer. Introduced to me by my 13 year old daughter, I am really glad to have the pleasure of indulging in it over the weekend. I find it quite slow at first, the story of Mrs Peters trying to engage with her bored students with her somewhat boring style did not make me want to read on. However, soon as the leading characters Conner and Alex got swallowed by the book and began their journey in the enhanting land of fairies, I found it difficult to put the book down. Chris is quite a talent; I love his character and how he brought it to life in Glee, and I am still awed by his creative writing. The ending is rather interesting, where the twins found out about their dad and grandma....she is the fairy godmother! Somewhere three quarter into the novel I sort of guessed that the writer of the journal is the twins' dad, but I didn't guess that the grandma is the fairy godmother. Love it! Wish that Scholastic would consider including colorful illustrative pictures in between the pages of upcoming editions

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Roses by Leila Meacham

This is truy the best read I've had the past few years. As stated by"People", it is "Like Gone with the Wind, this epic is gloriously entertaining". For me, the superlatives of superb, magnificent, enthralling, spell-binding among others would describe this wonderful piece. It is the story of Mary Toliver in East Texas 1916. The younger child of two, inherrited cotton plantation called Somerset from her father Vernon, following which she has to endure the loss of her only love, her only child and so much more. Worst, her mother who was chose to be broken hearted for not being given the land, punishd Mary in the most chilling fashion. She knitted a bedcovering for Mary's 20th birthday and later hang herself with it. The afghan is pink, a color associated with "unforgiveness". The guests remarked "your mother has worked so long and hard for your gift Mary, who can blame her for not wanting to let it go". Oh boy, what horrifying gesture. The love tale of Mary and Percy Warwick is the most beautiful of love stories I've ever imagined can occur between two beautiful privileged people. Beautiful and the most tragic. The book is especially haunting in the middle. Towards the end, I've just got to be so pissed off with the character of Rachel, Mary's nephew whom she wanted to save from the Somerset curse. I really cannot bring myself to even sympatize with this Rachel, even when she finally changed her mind about suing Percy for the land ownership. I even like Lucy better. Ahh, there is too much to tell; you would have to read it for yourself. It's a damn thick book, I never thought I'd be able to finish it in one week; the whole 609 pages, and I read the hard copy. But YESSSS, I'm so glad I did. One of my hundreds of favourites,said by Ollie DuMonts when Mary asked him to marry her so that the child that she conceived with Percy would not be tainted by people's bad mouthing "I cant believe think that you...would marry me...that my most impossible dream has come true. The only blunt to my happiness is Percy...He will be devastated..."

Monday, May 12, 2014

The innocent by David Baldacci

Yes, I finished this one on one of my tablets yesterday. It's one of the thriller based on terrorists in the eyes of certain quarters of the world. Not bad the story line, which is reason I actually could be motivated to continue reading till the last page. But I am still quite uneasy with the notion that some bad things when done by people we view as bad become something bad, but when done by us or people we have a link with, they become survival or necessary or even heroic. Such unfair world.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A thousand splendid suns

It is my first read of Khaled Hosseini's work. Overall, yes, I would read the other books by him. This particular one is sadly interesting. I actually learned a few new things about the fights of the Afghans; those who are not warlords, politicians , foreign powers puppets and or extremists. To think that the main characters Mariam and Laila were married off before their 17th birthday....isn't that child rape? I am so glad that Mariam finally pushed herself to kill her rotten husband Rasheed after the physical abuses he has inflicted on both Mariam and Laila. I would have done it much earlier if I were there. I think Khaled wrote this very well and I especially like his comments in the postscript very much. I think it is very revealing of his good intentions, just to appreciate or explore the minds of the oppressed women of Afghans. I recently saw several new books apparently written to smear the Talibans or whoever in Afghanistan; books written by this girl Nujood Ali. I have not read her books, will do real soon. But from the titles of the books, I can only see her through my negative "complaining-much-and-probably trying-to-grab people's sympathy" lens. Kudos Khaled Hosseini, your work clearly indicates your professionalism. I shall read your first book The Kite Runner to enable me to know more about you and your thoughts.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Madeline Sheehan's Undeniable & Unbeautifully

These two works I finished reading in 2 days. Three words; awesome then awful. I actually startedwith Unbeautifully, almost half way, then I decided that I need to read the first work. I think the first book is really classy, the author is truly in her elements. It is totally page turner. I love the main characters Deuce and Eva. And I also find the bad guy Frankie an amazing guy. But the second book is so disappointing. It is deeply engaging the first half, but for some reason, maybe in comparison with the heavy story of Deuce & Eva, the story of Ripper and Deuce's daughter Danny lacks strength. Too weak, too much mushy lovey BS that does not fit into the setting. If that guy Ripper is really a true biker, it doesnt make sense for him to drop his ego like an idiot for a girl, no matter how hot she is. And he slept with the boss' daughter, then ran away like a pussy, then came back like a bloody selfish moron and broke the brotherhood code by sleeping with a brother's girl, Deuce should have made him suffer like hell if not just blow his brains.

Ranjau rasa keliru Yazlina Saduri Mengenai Buku Budiman tulisan Regina Ibrahim

Ranjau rasa keliru Yazlina Saduri Mengenai Buku Budiman tulisan Regina Ibrahim Semalam saya baru selesai membaca buku Kitab Riwayat - Men...