Monday, July 14, 2014

Fountain by John Medler

OMG OMG This read is thrilling like hell. I decided to begin writing my thoughts on this one whie I'm still reading because for one, I seem to experience all sorts of reflexes every few pages. I was hooked from the first few pages. It's on chapter 10 when I think I encounter such strange sensation for the first time. After reading hate comments by Mr Kratman over my opinions for his work The Caliphate, these phrases written by Medler is like the healing fountain soothing me again and again. Please we need more writers like Medler to wipe out hate mongers.... From Chapter 10 Illness... "Joseph, we must take them to the hospital", said Neema, damned worried about her sons Akili and Dogo who showed sympthoms of infection after venturing into a mysterious cave. "But the nearest good hospital is Kigoma Baptist Missionary Hospital, and that is two hours away......You know that it is a missionary church. We are Muslims. You know what they think os us. Elvis went there once and they tried to convert him to Christianity! Jesus this and Jesus that! Their mission is to convert us!" said her husband Joseph. And these words from Neema is what gave me visions of rainbow albeit this very hot season ..."Joseph, I hope your faith is strong enough that you will not convert to Christianity because you meet a Christian doctor. We are not going for religious instruction. We are going for medical help....."
Then in the next chapter....Medler wrote, "Dr Ali el-Mohammed Baladar was a graduate of University of Dares Salaam Medical School....Although Dr Beladar was a Muslim, he did not mind working at a hospital with a Christian mission. Dr Beladar cared about his patients. What religion they practiced was none of his concern...." Now that Sir, is a great great way of putting down your talent to save the human kind from decadence. The book is actually longer than I thought it would be but each chapter is spiced up with a good dose of suspense, some very refreshing indeed. For example that chapter where the virus is to be unconsciously smuggled into the USA by the couple, I can definitely understand the reason for the brothers to choose to take revenge for the deadth of their parents and sister. A bad choise it is, but I think Mr Medler makes it clear that it is very personal to the brothers, irregardless of what religions or countrymen they are. I also find it very interesting for such clear and specific descriptions by John Medler for the actions and reasons for actions by the American President. No matter what, the interests of you or the people you care about come first. So true for anyone indeed. In the end, the magic purple snakes were lost at the vast sea with no one able to claim them; splendid!

Ranjau rasa keliru Yazlina Saduri Mengenai Buku Budiman tulisan Regina Ibrahim

Ranjau rasa keliru Yazlina Saduri Mengenai Buku Budiman tulisan Regina Ibrahim Semalam saya baru selesai membaca buku Kitab Riwayat - Men...