Friday, October 24, 2014

Rich Dad, Poor Dad

By you definitely know who....What? I just read this? Yup, my bad :) This book should be read by me and (I humbly suggest) most if not all parents when they are still in their 30s, if not as soon as they can. From the perspective of a mother, the thought train of Mr Kiyosaki is truly something I wish I have or I've had some time ago during my youth. But then again, I suppose that's what make him the star that he is. I found wisdom shared in this book very easy to absorb and surprisingly not that difficult to follow. Most importantly, the lessons learned from his experience as shared in this book are headsmackingly relevant, then, now and likely forever... From one of my newsletter subscriptions, I read today about "the Zero Line". I am certainly no expert in wars or financial or geopolitical matters, but I do think that this info is going to be very useful for investors. I bought the packages sold via the video promo, and I truly believe that it's worth my money. I hope you would take time to search info on this potential breaking-news-which-will-decide the direction of your investment portfolio soon. Here's the link to the video sharing if you like

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